Seven years ago I was in work bored and desperate for a new challenge. My daughter had recently been born and I had decided to stop playing World of Warcraft. Needing a new challenge, I had toyed with an MBA but really wanted to do something for me. So I signed up for a BSc in Mathematics with the Open University, which I knew would take about 6 years part time while working. This week, I got the results for my final module and it was confirmed I had earned a first class honours degree. But why didn’t I do maths the first time round?
Continue reading Maths degree for fun? Done!Tag: M208
MST210 – mathematical modelling – registered
Today, after a lot of pondering I finally signed up for MST210 to start in October. This is the second 60 point module and, just like M208, is mandatory on the BSc Maths pathway. I’d been holding back for a number of reasons and reviewing my post from last year, I realised that nothing had changed. If anything my job is now more mathematically demanding as I dig deeper into the bleeding edge internals of machine learning. My 3D printer is nearly finished and my daily commute is now 3 hours a day, giving me 2 hours a day sitting on trains. That time is currently occupied with getting through a ridiculous amount of books1. What I really want to avoid with MST210 is some of the rushing that I did for M208 – I want to enjoy this module. Continue reading MST210 – mathematical modelling – registered
OU Maths – halfway review
Well it’s been 3 years and I’m halfway through the Maths degree I started “for fun” because I needed some mental stimulation that I just wasn’t getting in my work at the time. 3 companies later and I’ve got the challenge I was craving, and since the results of the last two modules are now out, it seems like a good time to review my experiences with the OU. Continue reading OU Maths – halfway review
M208 – revising in 2 days
Last week I took the exam for the level 2 Open University module M208 (Pure Mathematics). Just like last year with MS221, I’d not studied as much as I wanted, and had given myself two clear days before the exam to “cram” as much as possible and hope for the best. I want to make it very clear that this is a really poor strategy for any student wanting to revise and please with you not to copy this method! Continue reading M208 – revising in 2 days
Rushed TMA – not my finest hour
It’s probably not a huge surprise that with a lowering of tweets and posts on this blog that I’ve been pretty busy. Today I got the results back from my second rushed TMA and I’m disappointed, but I’ve nobody to blame but myself.
The OU is pretty clear that you should study about 16 hours a week for a 60 point module and about 8 for a 30 point module. As I’m doing M208 (60 points) and DB123 (30 points) this means 24 hours of study alongside a (very) full time job. Given my love for maths and the ease with which I do pick it up, I got away with less than half the recommended time and still got distinctions for the level 1 modules I’ve done so far. Continue reading Rushed TMA – not my finest hour
Studying by train
The new OU term started on the 3rd October, but I’ve been working on M208 for four weeks now (although am yet to really do much other than skim through the introduction for DB123). I had a grand plan of confining my studies to the time I spent commuting by train and tutorials as I knew that I would have very little time outside of these short windows to dedicate. So how have the past 4 weeks gone? Continue reading Studying by train
Getting ready for M208 and DB123
It’s that time of the year again. Twitter is full of people posting images of all their books for new OU modules with excitement ahead of the October starts. I was no exception with M208 and DB123 both on the cards for this year.
This year means the start of level 2 modules with M208 Pure Mathematics, which is a 60 point module (the equivalent of a half a normal university year) but also the 30 point DB123 Personal Finance as I had to complete level 1 in parallel if I was to start level 2 this year1. So, in addition to a full time job at a start up company2 I am also doing the equivalent of 3/4 full time on a university course. Continue reading Getting ready for M208 and DB123